根據官方的資料,似乎是無法做用在fastCgi的模式下! 於是我又把站台切換成普通的CGI模式! 但依然無法達到我要的效果!
於是嚐試另一個uploadprogress的組件! 其中也是花費許多時間在調整組態! 原來uploadprogress依然不能正常作用在fastcgi模式下,
且DH中所提供的 才能正常運作!
export PATH=/usr/local/php53/bin:$PATH wget http://pecl.php.net/get/uploadprogress -O uploadprogres.tgz & tar -zxvf uploadprogress.tgz & cd uploadprogress phpize & ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php53/bin/php-config & make &安裝好後 可以用以下三個檔來測試一下 upload.php
<?php =>請自行替換成半型 if ($_FILES['file']['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $path = '/tmp/upload/' . $_FILES['file']['name']; move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $path); }getprogress.php
<?php=>請自行替換成半型 if (isset($_GET['uid'])) { // Fetch the upload progress data $status = uploadprogress_get_info($_GET['uid']); if ($status) { // Calculate the current percentage echo round($status['bytes_uploaded']/$status['bytes_total']*100); } else { // If there is no data, assume it's done echo 100; } }index.php
<?php=>請自行替換成半型 // Generate random string for our upload identifier $uid = md5(uniqid(mt_rand())); ?>Upload Something
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